Wallaert, N., Moore B.C.J, Lorenzi C. (2017, Feb). Comparing the effects of age and sensorineural hearing loss on auditory sensitivity and temporal integration for amplitude and frequency modulation. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 10-15, Baltimore, USA.
Wallaert, N., Moore B.C.J, Lorenzi C. (2016, Nov). Comparing the effects of age and sensorineural hearing loss on auditory sensitivity and temporal integration for amplitude and frequency modulation. 10th ARCHES (Audiological Research Cores in Europe) meeting. Zurich, Switzerland.
Wallaert, N., Moore B.C.J, Lorenzi C. (2016, Feb). Effects of age on AM and FM detection. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 20-24, Baltimore, USA.
Paraouty N, Ewert S.D., Wallaert N, Lorenzi C. (2016, Feb) Interactions between amplitude modulation and frequency modulation processing: effects of age and hearing loss. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 20-24, Baltimore, USA.
Wallaert, N., Moore B.C.J, Lorenzi C. (2015, Nov). Effects of age on AM and FM detection. 9th ARCHES (Audiological Research Cores in Europe) meeting. Groningen, Netherlands.
Wallaert N, Rambaud M., Gnansia D., Lorenzi C. (2015, Feb) Assessing Temporal Fine-Structure processing: " Combining AM detection with BMLD ". Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 21-25, Baltimore, USA.
Wallaert N, Grousseau A., Gnansia D, Lorenzi C. (2015, Feb) Assessing Temporal Fine Structure Processing Indirectly : Derived Measures. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 21-25, Baltimore, USA.
Paraouty N., Wallaert N, Pressnitzer D., Lorenzi C. (2015, Feb) Assessing Temporal Fine Structure Processing Indirectly : An AM/FM Interference Task. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 21-25, Baltimore, USA.
Wallaert, N., Grousseau, A., Gnansia, D., & Lorenzi, C. (2014, Nov). Assessing temporal fine structure processing: Derived measures. 8th ARCHES (Audiological Research Cores in Europe) meeting. Oldenburg, Germany.
Paraouty, N., Wallaert, N., Pressnitzer, D., & Lorenzi, C. (2014, Nov). An AM/FM interference task. 8th ARCHES (Audiological Research Cores in Europe) meeting. Oldenburg, Germany.
Lorenzi C., Jung D.E., Ives D.T., Wallaert N, Sheft S. (2014, Feb) A novel paradigm to investigate temporal fine structure processing. Midwinter Meetings of the ARO, 21-25, Baltimore, USA.
Deltenre P., Wallaert N., Calcus A., Mansbach A.N (2014, Jun). Electrophysiological aspects of ANSD. 12th International Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 3, Dublin, Ireland.
Lorenzi C., Jung E., Ives D.T, Wallaert N., Sheft S. (2014, Feb), A novel paradigm to investigate temporal fine structure processing. 37th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for research in Otolaryngology, 22-26, San Diego, USA.
Lorenzi, C., Wallaert, N., Swaminathan, J., Gnansia, D., Léger, A.C., Ives, D.T., Chays, A., & Cazals, Y. (2013, Feb). The ability of hearing-impaired listeners to use temporal envelope cues recovered from speech frequency modulation. 36th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for research in Otolaryngology, 16-20, Baltimore, USA.
Lorenzi C., Wallaert N., Gnansia D., Leger A.C., Ives D.T., Garnier S., Chays A., & Cazals Y. (2012, Jan). Temporal envelope reconstruction for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. “The separation of envelope and fine structure for auditory research: How and Why” Meeting; St John’s College, 31, Cambridge, UK.