
Auditory development of modulation perception in cochlear-implant children – Sensory and cognitive predictors of the success of pediatric cochlear implantation. Industrie — Advanced Bionics


Cette Étude a pour objet de :

(1) Évaluer la capacité des enfants ayant un implant cochléaire à percevoir des indices Amplitudes Modulations (AM) simples, et évaluer comment cette capacité se développe dans le temps après l'implantation, et si celle-ci est influencée par une expérience sensorielle altérée ;
(2) Évaluer séparément la maturation des mécanismes auditifs périphériques et centraux contraignant la perception AM ;
(3) Évaluer séparément la maturation des processus sensoriels et / ou cognitifs.

Résumé :

The number of pediatric cochlear-implant recipients has increased substantially over the past years, and it is now crucial to clarify the underlying causes of the variable outcomes in this population. However, information is still lacking about the auditory development of pediatric cochlear-implant recipients, and there is a paucity of targeted experimental designs and tools to investigate this development. The present research program focuses on the in-depth characterization of the auditory development of temporal-modulation perception for prelingually deafened children wearing a cochlear implant. This will be achieved by conducting several behavioral tasks assessing auditory sensitivity to amplitude-modulation (AM) cues and speech intelligibility in noise for prelingually deafened children aged between 5 and 12 years and showing various amounts of cochlear-implant experience. These measures will be complemented by electrophysiological (ECAP) measures assessing neural spread of excitation and behavioral measures of spectral resolution. These psychophysical and electrophysiological measures will be used to evaluate the maturation of the sensory and cognitive mechanisms involved in modulation perception, the impact of altered sensory experience, and the relationship between AM processing, speech perception in noise and linguistic development. This project will ultimately lead to the development of a battery of clinical tests that may be used to monitor the auditory development of cochlear-implant recipients, and predict the success of pediatric cochlear implantation.