Left: Functional Ultrasound imaging of auditory cortex (Yves Boubenec, 2017). Right: Compound motion cloud stimulus used to understand the mechanisms underlying speed perception (Nikos Gekas, 2017, Current Biology).
The Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (LSP) is a research unit (CNRS UMR 8248) within the département d'études cognitives (DEC) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris.
Members of the unit are interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying our perception of the world, with an emphasis on vision and audition. For this purpose, we harness tools from multiple disciplines, in particular behavioural psychophysics, integrative neuroscience, and computational modelling.
Left: Functional Ultrasound imaging of auditory cortex (Yves Boubenec, 2017). Right: Compound motion cloud stimulus used to understand the mechanisms underlying speed perception (Nikos Gekas, 2017, Current Biology).
Recent efforts have focused on the investigation of predictive coding, scene analysis, and dynamic sensory processes, both on fundamental and applied grounds.