In particular, we have been heavily involved in the organisation of the Cogmaster (Master in Cognitive Sciences, ENS / Université Paris Descartes / EHESS) since its very beginning. We provide here a partial list of the courses where we contribute a few hours and the ones that we coordinate.
Coordination of courses:
Participation to courses:
- Cogmaster, CA3(a): “Méthodes en psychologie scientifique” (C. Lorenzi)
- Cogmaster, CA3(b): “Fonctions psychologiques” (P. Mamassian)
- IMaLiS, TINS: "Interdisciplinary tutorials in neurosciences" (Y. Boubenec)
- APT: "Introduction to neurosciences" (Y. Boubenec)
- BMEParis, BIN track: "Tutored project and methodologies" (Y. Boubenec)
- UPMC Master BIP (Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie), M2: “Vision: From retina to primary visual cortex” (P. Mamassian)
- UPMC Master BIP (Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie), M2: “Neuronal networks: information processing and representation” (P. Mamassian)
- M2 Acoustique Le Mans: “Perception auditive” (D. Pressnitzer)
- Formation pluridisciplinaire aux sciences de la musique “Acoustique, Traitement du signal, Informatique, Appliqués à la Musique (ATIAM)”. Parcours M2 du Master Sciences et Technologies, UPMC/Ircam/Telecom ParisTech: “Perception et cognition musicales” (D. Pressnitzer)
- MsC audiology UCL, UK (A. de Cheveigné)