ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Deneux, T., Kempf, A., Daret, A., Ponsot, E. & Bathellier, B. (2016). Temporal asymmetries in auditory coding and perception reflect multi-layered nonlinearities. Nature communications, 7, 12682. doi:10.1038/ncomms12682

International Journal article  

Mamassian, P. (2016). Visual Confidence. Annual Review of Vision Science, 2, 459-481. doi:10.1146/annurev-vision-111815-114630

International Journal article  

Myers, C., Sheynin, J., Balsdon, T., Luzardo, A., Beck, K., Hogarth, L., Haber, P. & Moustafa, A. (2016). Probabilistic reward- and punishment-based learning in opioid addiction: Experimental and computational data. Behavioural brain research, 296, 240-248. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.09.018

International Journal article  

Paraouty, N., Ewert, S., Wallaert, N. & Lorenzi, C. (2016). Interactions between amplitude modulation and frequency modulation processing: Effects of age and hearing loss. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(1), 121. doi:10.1121/1.4955078

International Journal article  

Ponsot, E., Susini, P. & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Temporal weighting of loudness: Comparison between two different psychophysical tasks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(1), 406-17. doi:10.1121/1.4939959

International Journal article  

Schütz, A. & Mamassian, P. (2016). Early, local motion signals generate directional preferences in depth ordering of transparent motion. Journal of vision, 16(10), 24. doi:10.1167/16.10.24

International Journal article  

Balsdon, T. & Azzopardi, P. (2015). Absolute and relative blindsight. Consciousness and cognition, 32, 79-91. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.09.010

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Berchicci, M., Morrone, M. & Russo, F. (2015). Short-term monocular deprivation alters early components of Visual Evoked Potentials. Journal of Physiology, 593(19), 4361-4372. doi:10.1113/JP270950

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Emir, U., Morrone, M. & Bridge, H. (2015). Short-Term Monocular Deprivation Alters GABA in the Adult Human Visual Cortex. Current Biology, 25(11), 1496-1501. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.04.021

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C. & Alais, D. (2015). Congruent tactile stimulation reduces the strength of visual suppression during binocular rivalry. Scientific Reports, 5. doi:10.1038/srep09413

International Journal article  

Moustafa, A., Kéri, S., Somlai, Z., Balsdon, T., Frydecka, D., Misiak, B. & White, C. (2015). Drift diffusion model of reward and punishment learning in schizophrenia: Modeling and experimental data. Behavioural brain research, 291, 147-154. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.05.024

International Journal article  

Ponsot, E., Susini, P. & Meunier, S. (2015). A robust asymmetry in loudness between rising- and falling-intensity tones. Attention, perception & psychophysics, 77(3), 907-20. doi:10.3758/s13414-014-0824-y

International Journal article  

Ponsot, E., Meunier, S., Kacem, A., Chatron, J. & Susini, P. (2015). Are Rising Sounds Always Louder? Influences of Spectral Structure and Intensity-Region on Loudness Sensitivity to Intensity-Change Direction. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101(6). doi:10.3813/AAA.918902

International Journal article  

Wexler, M., Duyck, M. & Mamassian, P. (2015). Persistent states in vision break universality and time invariance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(48), 14990-14995. doi:10.1073/pnas.1508847112

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Morrone, Maria, C. & Alais, D. (2014). Auditory and Tactile Signals Combine to Influence Vision during Binocular Rivalry. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(3), 784-792. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2732-13.2014

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C. & Alais, D. (2013). Touch Interacts with Vision during Binocular Rivalry with a Tight Orientation Tuning. Plos One, 8(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058754

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Burr, David, C. & Morrone, M., C. (2013). Long-term effects of monocular deprivation revealed with binocular rivalry gratings modulated in luminance and in color. Journal of Vision, 13(6). doi:10.1167/13.6.1

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C. & Morrone, M., C. (2013). Early Interaction between Vision and Touch during Binocular Rivalry. Multisensory Research, 26(3), 291-306. doi:10.1163/22134808-00002411

International Journal article  

Ponsot, E., Susini, P., Saint Pierre, G. & Meunier, S. (2013). Temporal loudness weights for sounds with increasing and decreasing intensity profiles. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(4), EL321-6. doi:10.1121/1.4819184

International Journal article  

Van Der Groen, O., Van Der Burg, E., Lunghi, C. & Alais, D. (2013). Touch Influences Visual Perception with a Tight Orientation-Tuning. Plos One, 8(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079558

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Burr, D. & Morrone, C. (2011). Brief periods of monocular deprivation disrupt ocular balance in human adult visual cortex. Current Biology, 21(14). doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.06.004

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Binda, P. & Morrone, M. (2010). Touch disambiguates rivalrous perception at early stages of visual analysis. Current Biology, 20(4). doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.12.015

International Journal article  

Barthelmé, S. & Mamassian, P. (2009). Evaluation of objective uncertainty in the visual system. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(9), e1000504. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000504

International Journal article  

Adams, W. & Mamassian, P. (2002). Common mechanisms for 2D tilt and 3D slant after-effects. Vision Research, 42(23), 2563-2568. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(02)00269-9

International Journal article  

Mamassian, P. & Landy, M. (1998). Observer biases in the 3D interpretation of line drawings. Vision Research, 38(18), 2817-2832. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00438-0

International Journal article  

Mamassian, P., Knill, D. & Kersten, D. (1998). The perception of cast shadows. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(8), 288-295. doi:10.1016/S1364-6613(98)01204-2

International Journal article  

Kersten, D., Mamassian, P. & Knill, D. (1997). Moving cast shadows induce apparent motion in depth. Perception, 26(2), 171-192. doi:10.1068/p260171

International Journal article  

Knill, D., Mamassian, P. & Kersten, D. (1997). Geometry of shadows. Journal of the Optical Society of America a-Optics Image Science and Vision, 14(12), 3216-3232. doi:10.1364/JOSAA.14.003216

International Journal article  

Mamassian, P. (1997). Prehension of objects oriented in three-dimensional space. Experimental Brain Research, 114(2), 235-245. doi:10.1007/PL00005632

International Journal article  

Kersten, D., Knill, D., Mamassian, P. & Bülthoff, I. (1996). Illusory motion from shadows. Nature, 379(6560), 31. doi:10.1038/379031a0