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  • 630 results found
International Journal article  

de Cheveigné, A. (2019). ZapLine: a simple and effective method to remove power line artifacts. NeuroImage, 207, 116356. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116356

International Journal article  

de Cheveigné, A. (2023). Why is the perceptual octave stretched? An account based on mismatched time constants within the auditory brainstem. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(5), 2600. doi:10.1121/10.0017978

International Journal article  

Neri, P. (2009 Mar 7). Wholes and subparts in visual processing of human agency. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 276(1658), 861-9. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.1363

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Kiselev, I., Ceolini, E., Wong, D., de Cheveigné, A. & Liu, S. (2017). WHISPER: Wirelessly Synchronized Distributed Audio Sensor Platform. In IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications.

International Journal article  

Boubenec, Y., Shulz, D. & Debrégeas, G. (2012). Whisker encoding of mechanical events during active tactile exploration. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 6:74, 1-16. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2012.00074

International Journal article  

Claverie, L., Boubenec, Y., Debrégeas, G., Prevost, A. & Wandersman, E. (2017). Whisker Contact Detection of Rodents Based on Slow and Fast Mechanical Inputs. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 10, 251. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00251

International Journal article  

De Montalembert, M., Auclair, L. & Mamassian, P. (2010). Where is the sun for hemi-neglect patients? Brain and Cognition, 72(2), 264-270. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2009.09.011

International Journal article  

Recht, S. , Mamassian, P. & de Gardelle, V. (2018). When temporal attention lacks confidence. bioRxiv, 496232

International Journal article  

Jovanovic, L. & Mamassian, P. (2019). When an Event Is Perceived Depends on Where We Attend. I-Perception, 10(3), 2041669519858096. doi:10.1177/2041669519858096

International Journal article  

Jovanovic, L. & Mamassian, P. (2018). When a visual event is perceived depends on where it is presented. Journal of Vision, 18(10), 714-714. doi:10.1167/18.10.714

International Journal article  

Jovanovic, L. & Mamassian, P. (2019). When a Visual Event Is Perceived Depends on How We Attend to Its Temporal Context. Perception, 48, 146

International Journal article  

Sanchez, R. , Tomei, A. , Vidal, M. & Desantis, A. (2024). What the eyes, confidence, and partner’s identity can tell about change of mind. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2024(1), niae018. doi:10.1093/nc/niae018

International Journal article  

Sanchez, R. , Tomei, A. , Mamassian, P., Vidal, M. & Desantis, A. (2024). What the eyes, confidence, and partner's identity can tell about change of mind. Neuroscience of consciousness, 2024(1), niae018. doi:10.1093/nc/niae018

International Journal article  

Cousineau, M., Demany, L. & Pressnitzer, D. (2009). What makes a melody: The perceptual singularity of pitch sequences. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6), 3179-87. doi:10.1121/1.3257206

International Journal article  

Lakretz, Y. , Dehaene, S. & King, J. (2020). What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension? Entropy, 22(4), 446. doi:10.3390/e22040446

International Journal article  

Cousineau, M., Carcagno, S., Demany, L. & Pressnitzer, D. (2014). What is a melody? On the relationship between pitch and brightness of timbre. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 7, 127. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2013.00127

International Journal article  

Mccormick, D. & Mamassian, P. (2008). What does the illusory-flash look like? Vision Research, 48(1), 63-69. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2007.10.010

International Journal article  

Grinfeder, E., Lorenzi, C., Haupert, S. & Sueur, J. (2022). What Do We Mean by “Soundscape”? A Functional Description. Front. Ecol. Evol, 10, 894232. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.894232

International Journal article  

Cousineau, M., Demany, L., Meyer, B. & Pressnitzer, D. (2010). What breaks a melody: perceiving F0 and intensity sequences with a cochlear implant. Hearing research, 269(1-2), 34-41. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2010.07.007

International Journal article  

de Gardelle, V. & Mamassian, P. (2015). Weighting mean and variability during confidence judgments. PLoS One, 10(3), e0120870. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120870

International Journal article  

Agus, T., Paquette, S., Suied, C., Pressnitzer, D. & Belin, P. (2017). Voice selectivity in the temporal voice area despite matched low-level acoustic cues. Scientific reports, 7(1), 11526. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11684-1

International Journal article  

Mamassian, P., Locke, S., Goettker, A. & Gegenfurtner, K. (2023). Visuo-motor confidence. Journal of Vision, 23(4640). doi:10.1167/jov.23.9.4640

International Journal article  

Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C. (2018). Visual processing: conscious until proven otherwise. Royal Society open science, 5(1), 171783. doi:10.1098/rsos.171783

International Journal article  

Balsdon, T. & Clifford, C. (2018). Visual processing: conscious until proven otherwise. , 5(1). doi:10.1098/rsos.171783

International Journal article  

Landy, M., Goutcher, R., Trommershäuser, J. & Mamassian, P. (2007). Visual estimation under risk. Journal of Vision, 7(6), 4. doi:10.1167/7.6.4

International Journal article  

Neri, P. (2010 Nov 30). Visual detection under uncertainty operates via an early static, not late dynamic, non-linearity. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 4, 151. doi:10.3389/fncom.2010.00151

International Journal article  

Ota, K. , Wu, Q. & Mamassian, P. (2020). Visual cue estimation with non-gaussian distribution. Journal of vision, 20(11). doi:10.1167/jov.20.11.1436

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C., Galli-Resta, L., Binda, P., Cicchini, G., Placidi, G., Falsini, B. & Morrone, M. (2019). Visual Cortical Plasticity in Retinitis Pigmentosa. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 60(7), 2753-2763. doi:10.1167/iovs.18-25750

International Journal article  

Lunghi, C. (2020). Visual Cortex Rewiring in Retinitis Pigmentosa: Plasticity is Preserved. Neuroscience, 424, 203-204. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.10.053

International Journal article  

Klever, L. , Mamassian, P. & Billino, J. (2019). Visual Confidence in Younger and Older Adults: What Drives Individual Differences in Metaperception? Perception