Semaine du cerveau 2019 à l'ENS. Pre-programme

Programme :

Mardi 12 mars
Nura Sidarus (DEC, ENS) 
La liberté vue par les neurosciences

Que signifie être libre? Normalement, on se sent libre de faire nos propres choix. Néanmoins, notre environnement peut nous influencer, même sans que l'on s'en aperçoive ! Dans ce cas, sommes-nous responsables de nos actions? Venez découvrir ce que les neurosciences cognitives nous apprennent sur la liberté humaine. 

Mercredi 13 mars

Neural processing of speech in children with sensorineural hearing loss

Although the primary damage associated with sensorineural hearing loss lies in the cochlea,
its consequences extend throughout the entire auditory pathway. Despite having significant
residual hearing, children with mild (21-40 dB HL) to moderate (41-70 dB HL) sensorineural
hearing loss (MMHL) experience deficits with general auditory processing, which puts them at risk
of encountering language difficulties. Here, I will present two studies aimed at better understanding

Gaze and Locomotion in Natural Terrains

Eye movements in the natural world reflect the information needs of the momentary behavioral goals, the rewards and costs associated with those goals, and uncertainty about the state of the world. We examine how these factors trade off in the context of walking outdoors in terrains of varying difficulty, a situation where little is known about how visual and locomotor systems work together to achieve efficient and stable behavior. We developed a novel system to simultaneously record gaze and full-body kinematics during locomotion.

Advanced methods of perceptual testing

Lecture series - Andrew B. Watson (Apple)

Jaurès, 24 rue Lomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 7, 10am-noon : "The windows of visibility: Limits to human vision and their application to visual technology" 
The next three lectures will take place in Room 235B, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 14, 10am-noon : "Computational models of early vision"
Wed. Nov. 21, 10am-noon: "Applications of vision models to display engineering"
Wed. Nov. 28, 10am-noon: "Advanced methods of perceptual testing"

Applications of vision models to display engineering

Lecture series - Andrew B. Watson (Apple)

Jaurès, 24 rue Lomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 7, 10am-noon : "The windows of visibility: Limits to human vision and their application to visual technology" 
The next three lectures will take place in Room 235B, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 14, 10am-noon : "Computational models of early vision"
Wed. Nov. 21, 10am-noon: "Applications of vision models to display engineering"
Wed. Nov. 28, 10am-noon: "Advanced methods of perceptual testing"

Computational models of early vision

Lecture series - Andrew B. Watson (Apple)

Jaurès, 24 rue Lomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 7, 10am-noon : "The windows of visibility: Limits to human vision and their application to visual technology" 
The next three lectures will take place in Room 235B, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 14, 10am-noon : "Computational models of early vision"
Wed. Nov. 21, 10am-noon: "Applications of vision models to display engineering"
Wed. Nov. 28, 10am-noon: "Advanced methods of perceptual testing"

The windows of visibility: Limits to human vision and their application to visual technology

Lecture series - Andrew B. Watson (Apple)

Jaurès, 24 rue Lomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 7, 10am-noon : "The windows of visibility: Limits to human vision and their application to visual technology" 
The next three lectures will take place in Room 235B, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
Wed. Nov. 14, 10am-noon : "Computational models of early vision"
Wed. Nov. 21, 10am-noon: "Applications of vision models to display engineering"
Wed. Nov. 28, 10am-noon: "Advanced methods of perceptual testing"

Recruter des volontaires


Les études menées au LNC² sont encadrées par le protocole de recherche INSERM intitulé "Déterminants cognitifs et cérébraux de la prise de décision chez le sujet sain" - CPP C15-98.

Il existe deux types d'études :

° les études comportementales

° les études d'imagerie

Using technology to improve assessment and treatment of vision in children

Measuring vision is important in a range of clinical settings, from monitoring the effectiveness of gene therapies for blinding eye conditions through to early detection of age-related eye diseases like glaucoma.  My lab uses technologies such as infrared eye tracking and virtual reality to measure and correct vision in groups that can be difficult to assess and/or treat. In this talk I will give overviews of several projects – inspired by basic psychophysical research – that deliver more reliable visual assessment, and novel platforms for treatment, of children.